Charter of Foundation

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Polgár Foundation for Opportunities's Charter of Foundation - English version

Excerpt from the Charter

5. The long-term public interest goals of the Foundation and its activities to be carried out for their implementation:

A.) The Foundation's long-term public interest goal:
Promotion of the social integration of disadvantaged groups, in particular of Hungary's Roma by launching educational, employment, art, health-care and social programmes, as well as by joining such programmes.
B). The Foundation shall implement its long-term public interest goal through the following activites.
- The Foundation shall provide outstanding support in the education of children and young adults through support provided to programmes and by ensuring services which promote the regular use of kindergarten services, the successfulness of primary school education, prevention of drop-outs, identifying and taking care of the outstandingly gifted, as well as shall promote their successful further education,
- The Foundation shall provide assistance in disadvantaged areas to elaborate complex settlement and area development programmes, assistance in obtaining the necessary financial resources needed for their implementation by applying for grants or by other means, and assitance in the successful implementation of programmes. In this scope of its activities it shall provide experts to elaborate development plans and project ideas, to identify application opportunities, primarily those related to the 2007-2013 programmes of the New Hungary Development Plan (ÚMFT), and, with respect to the implementation of the programmes, to ensure support tools (e.g. refundable benefits that do not qualify as financial services) to solve the difficulties arising in the course of implementing the programmes.
- By involving further donors, during the Decade of Roma Inclusion (2005 - 2015), it is part of the Foundation's plans to organise from 2009 on a yearly basis a one-week art festival to be held in disadvantaged settlements as a result of employment, health care, housing, educational, public education, social complex development with an active participation of the people living in them.
- The Foundation shall support art related, scientific and research activities related to the Roma culture.

In order to achieve its goals, the Foundation shall collaborate with Hungarian and foreign organisations with similar goals.